Egypt, Fatimid Empire, al-Aziz, Dinar 378 AH

The Fatimids claimed to be descendants of Fatima, the Prophet Mohammed's daughter, and thus to be the only true leaders of Islam. They had come to power in Ifriqiyah (North Africa) in the early 10th century. When they took control of Egypt 60 years later, they moved their center of power eastwards and founded Cairo as their new capital. The rule in Ifriqiyah was handed over to governors who became more and more independent over the next decades. In the east, however, the Fatimids extended their power to Palestine and Syria and conquered Mecca and Medina, the most important holy cities of Islam. Caliph al-Aziz (975-996 AD), the issuer of this dinar, distinguished himself especially by the consolidation of Fatimid rule in Egypt and Syria.